A study conducted by several researchers at Japan's National Cancer Center revealed that drinking green tea may reduce the risk of
advanced prostate cancer. The study said that men who drink five or more cups of green tea a day may actually reduce their chance of developing advanced prostate cancer in half, as compared to those who only drinks one cup a day or less.
According to Norie Kurahashi, one researcher who participated in the study, however said that this does not mean that people who drink green tea are

guaranteed to have reduced risk of prostate cancer. These results, according to him, are just preliminary and needs further researches to verify the inference. But they claim that the study may point to the hope that green tea can be used to prevent prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is not very common among Asian men as compared to Western men, and is believed to have been partly due to the effects of the high consumption of green tea in Asia.
However, the British Charity Cancer Research in United Kingdom said on its website that a study of almost 20,000 Japanese men published last 2006 found no relationship between green tea and
prostate cancer.
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