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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Technology Can Kill Our Sex Lives

Just weeks after a New York study reported that there are possible links to having low sperm count on men and their excessive cellular phone use, another survey conducted by the Solutions Research Group now states that technology and the way people today spend big money on them, can eventually kill human sexuality.

According to the group, who conducted the survey on some 25 million Americans, said that people who owns and uses laptops, mobile phones and other gadgets are starting to have what they called "feelings of disorientation and nervousness when they are deprived of Internet or wireless access for a period of time." These feelings of anxiety are in turn, being manifested in their sexual relationship with their partners.

According to the group, 68 per cent of Americans feel this sense of anxiety when they are not jacked into the global mind grid of the Net. These results are published on a report called "Age of Disconnect Anxiety."

It is definitely tough to look forward to, or even enjoy, sex if your are anxious.

Though the group who did the study stated that these results are not conclusive, they still strongly believe that people should have time for their personal lives, including the sexual aspect of it, without using their gadgets and any form of technology to at least minimize their anxiety and between partners.

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